Getting Compensated for A Snow and Ice-Related Accident at Work
February was an epic month for bad weather in Arkansas, and around the Nation. A significant number of workers’ compensation claims each year are the result of slips and falls on ice and snow. Many of these accidents cause serious injury, a lengthy period of lost time from work, and/or substantial permanent impairment. These claims are also routinely denied by insurance companies, using the defense that the employee wasn’t technically “working” at the time his accident occurred. Falling on ice in a parking lot at work probably tops the denial list; however, these types of work injuries may very well be compensable workers’ compensation claims, i.e. the insurance company is just trying to rip you off.
If you’ve had an injury at work related to snow and ice, you may need help from an experienced workers’ compensation law firm. We’d be glad to visit with you to discuss your options, free of charge, any time.
Neal L. Hart, Attorney at Law

At Hart Law, we get the privilege of visiting, on a daily basis, with many, many people about their past and present workers’ compensation claims. One story we hear more often than you’d think goes something like this: “I had a workers’ compensation shoulder surgery in 2012, and when the doctor told me I was as good as I was going to get, I just went back to work and never followed up with my claim again.” While it’s admittedly conscientious to get back to a job and work hard at it, the person in this example probably left cash on the table in his workers’ compensation claim.
Workers’ compensation claims are hard on working Arkansans because our Workers’ Compensation Law is exceptionally unfair to our honorable working class. Despite what insurance companies repeatedly try to claim, the workers’ compensation system is not a slot machine or cash cow for injured workers. Injured working folks are entitled to a specific set of limited benefits after being hurt on the job, including benefits for having an injury that is permanent, and insurance companies aren’t exactly stumbling all over themselves to voluntarily give these benefits away; particularly if a workers’ compensation claimant is content to basically abandon his or her case. Arkansas workers are a proud bunch, and rightfully so. They shed their sweat and blood for their employers, every day. When they get hurt on the job, they deserve to be compensated, fully.
At Hart Law, we don’t leave cash owed to our clients by insurance companies on the table; and we can help make sure you don’t either. We’d be happy to visit with you about this, either by telephone or e-mail, pretty much anytime.
Neal L. Hart, Attorney at Law
Many Thanks To Our Clients
At Hart Law, we really like our clients. They’re good, hard working folks who we genuinely enjoy getting to know as we’re helping to guide them through their workers’ compensation claims. Without our clients, there would be no Hart Law. We go the extra mile because we’re privileged to have such great people to represent, and we’re eternally grateful for their business and support. Thanks for being a part of the Hart Law family.
Neal L. Hart, Attorney at Law
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